Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Big Loud Crazy Family

Tonight hubby and I went to dinner at Essence of India (YUMMMMMM) with my sis,mom, and moms boyfriend Joe, AND my Uncle David, whos here all the way from Seattle!

Uncle David is 11 years older than me so he's more like a big brother. He, my Aunt Judit, and cousins Judith (13 yrs) and Joey (7 yrs) live allll the way across the country and we miss them so much. We were SO sad when they couldnt come our wedding in Oct 06, BUT they did say that they would fly us our to stay with them and visit Seattle! So this July we will be going to Seattle for about 7 days!!!

I am SUPER excited to show Ian a fav place of mine. Seattle is in my top 2 fav cities to visit (besided NYC)! Me and one of my besties Kimmy spend 2 weeks with the fam in seattle after high school graduation.

Below are some pics from our family reunion we do every 4 years with them at DSINEY WORLD!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Anyone who knows me knows i HATE to run. Poor Kimmy and Katie for trying so hard to motivate me to run with them. I blame it on my lungs for not being accustomed to the hard work :)

So I heard about a running plan from a friend called Couch 2 5K and I was intrigued. As much as I HATE/am ashamed to admit it, I'm a lil bit of a couch potato :(

I printed out the plan (I gotta love me a plan- queen of planning here :) and I must admit, I LIKE IT!

I am in week 4 of the plan but am repeating week 3 for my own comfort

Its 3 times a week, 20 mins each workout. It switches between walking and running and each week, I run for more time straight.

I would LIKE to run a 5k in April/May. We will see how the weeks to come go.My ultimate goal is to run a mile (never have) and strut my stuff in a new bathing suit :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i CAN do it

Sooo, it's been WAY too long BUT its a new year AND lil by lil, a newly improved Erin Melody :)

When 2010 started, I vowed to make commitments:

* to better my body by working out and by not being scared of food-a constant struggle since the age of 15

* to see the beauty in myself over the flaws that I tend to dwell on

* to become a better a wife, housekeeper, cook, friend, daughter,, a better ME

* to BE A MOM :)

It may take a bit for me to find the exact direction/tone of this blog, but you're welcome to join my journey!